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Greece’s First Parenting Academy Readdresses How Families Work

With decades of working with families and children behind her, Mia Adamidou is creating a school for parents and parents-to-be.

Systemic Psychotherapist Mia Adamidou owns a space called Inner Flow, a holistic wellness meeting point where she works one-on-one with clients as well as organizing a variety of workshops featuring her own teachings and those of leading therapists from abroad. Beyond its urban-chic and elegant surroundings, the space feels highly professional and deeply comforting at once, and it’s not by chance, because the person who owns and runs it has those qualities herself.

Insights Greece - Greece’s First Parenting Academy Readdresses How Families Work

“Systemic Psychotherapy is not to be confused with Bert Hellinger’s Systemic Constellation work,” she tells me. “It is field of Psychotherapy as Psychoanalysis, Rogerian, Gestalt and so on. We focus first on the person- the client – connecting their mind, body, spirit, and then all the ripple circles around that individual such as the immediate family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, and going all the way to the universe. We work on the stories, family patterns, trans -generational schemes, the perceptions & imprints on all levels. It’s important to be in the here and now, so in systemic therapy we always connect to the past by bringing it to the present in a meaningful, transformational way.”

Since 2006 she has worked a lot with both children and youths as well as adults, with Inner Child work being one of her core areas of interest. Thus, it seems inevitable that she is now setting up The ‘Wisdoms Keeper’s’ Academy for Parents, which is a school for parents with lessons on specific issues. Parents will learn about caring for, supporting, empowering, mastering emotional intelligence and enhancing the inner beauty strength and all potential their children have. The courses will be both practical and theoretical, with experiential workshops that will work to support both women and men, young and old, who want to become parents and those who are already.

“The Academy will simultaneously focus on the inner work and growth of the parents and aim to resolve their own childhood issues. It will introduce alternative ways to parenting through InnerChild workshops, body work and other tried and tested techniques,” she says. “We will bridge the old and wise ways of our ancestors along with the new ways that are of a higher vibration. We will aim to embrace a more humanitarian consciousness based on trust, integrity, diversity and freedom from all that has held us in fixed positions and norms.”

Insights Greece - Greece’s First Parenting Academy Readdresses How Families Work

As a Family / Couple therapist who has worked with parents, children and family systems in the public and private sector in Greece in the fields of therapy, prevention, education, community building & counseling, Adamidou feels it’s high time to direct her expertise into this new initiative. “I hope that along with other collaborators, we can help make this world better for the new generation of children and leave them a legacy we all can be proud of. I will continue working as I do from 1997 with one-to-ones and family therapy but will launch the Academy with an organized programme. There will be courses and workshops running from this new season 2020-2021 that will be held in small groups at InnerFlow but also online for Greek people as well as English speakers.”

The Wisdom Keeper’s Parents Academy aims to provide parents or parents to be with the opportunity to choose from various programmes – part-time or full time training, or independent courses. “For those following the whole Academy there will be exams, projects , presentations that will be shared in the larger community of InnerFlow,” she says.

“These will include Creative Arts performances at the end of the semesters that will present what they have learned and lived and transformed. Through this philosophy of sharing I hope to make more people interested in joining this new way of expressing who we truly are; to truly help each other be genuine, living with clarity, openly giving and supporting each other. I will do whatever it takes to make things better for the new generation, to stand beside them, hold the light for their wisdom to come forth. I also hope to inspire others to embrace this mentality and realize such “bridges” and co creations for our world overall.”

Inner Flow City Center for Psychological Support/Creative Expression: Praxitelous 8, Syntagma


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